Funny Random Quotes: The First

So I've been saying that I should keep track of all the weird things I say and that others say, in order to compile a blog a month that includes them all. I have to say I'm not very good at keeping track. But I do have a few! They might not be AS funny to you as they are to those of us who were present when they were first said, but they're still amusing. Keep in mind, most were said in the wee hours of the morning on next to no sleep.

"While I was painting my nails today I wanted to eat them" - Me

Brian was complaining about his grade in German class,
"Well do you speak German?" - Me
...of course not.

Karen was telling me about the foxtrot, so I responded with, "But I don't have a trot that foxes!"

"Do you think if I go buy food with my mealpoints that my I.D. card will get lighter?" - Ruben
(Note: we use our ID cards like credit cards to buy food, in case you don't know the system)

"Ruben, why are you hitting yourself with a metal post?" - Nathan

"I wish Dr. Lee was my Dad! That would be awesome!" - Ruben

"If you put my face on Dr. Lee's body and sent it as a Christmas card, I think I would die." - Ruben

So... they don't make much sense. But at 2 AM nothing really does. :)


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