A wonderful mother have I

Today is my mother's birthday.

I often see blog posts in honor of children's birthdays; mothers find time to write out everything they love and find wonderful about their children. They often are a time to brag (not in the bad sense of the word) about their children's accomplishments and to remember the fun times of the past so many years. Tonight, I think it is appropriate that I write a post about my mother. :)

Mommy, Mum, Ma, Mummy, Mom, Mother: These are the names she goes by, at least from me, with an occasional "Sharon!" when she doesn't hear my plaintive cries the first time. A different name for each situation: Mommy for when I'm being sweet, Mum when we're just talking, Ma when I'm (or she's) being silly, Mom when I feel like putting in some extra effort to say Mom rather than Mum, and Mother when I'm being a pain and giving her some of that attitude I can be so famous for (Yes Mom... I admitted I can have an attitude).

People ask, "Who has made the biggest impact on your life?" or "Who do you look up to?" or "Who is your hero?" For me, there has always only been one answer, and that is my Mom (well, two, but it's Mom's birthday today, not Dad's :P). Mom is the sweetest, most caring and loving woman I have ever met. Growing up, she loved Michelle and I unconditionally. We were lucky enough to have her stay at home with us and this gave us lots of time to be loved by Mom and taught by Mom. I am honored to be compared so often to her, in physical resemblances, expressions and actions. I would love to be the type of woman and mother that Mom has been. She has always been loving, caring, understanding, and there. I never have to worry that I am bothering her with my problems, I never have to be embarrassed about my fears or failures; I just know that she loves me and will no matter what. And that is how she is with everyone around her. I have always looked to her as a role model of loving the "unlovable". When others would give up on someone, Mom can see that they are trying, that they have potential, and she has always striven to show them she loves them and believes in them.

Mum has been my coach, both in sports and in life, since before I can remember. She coached my softball team every year through elementary school, and these are some of my favorite memories. In life, she has always supported me in all my endeavors. There was no pressure to go to college, but when I decided to she supported me 100% and worked hard to make sure I could go to a college that I would be able to succeed at.

Mom, to you I say thank you. Thank you for being a wonderful example of Christ's love, for being an example of a Christian woman who loves her God first, her husband second, and her children third. Thank you for having priorities that always let me know how much you loved me and that you wanted the best for me. Thank you for loving me unconditionally and for always letting me talk to you, cry to you, and just get a hug when I need one. I thank you for the numerous times that you have talked me out of a panic when I think I'm dying of a stomach ache, that you have let me cry when I am stressed and overwhelmed with college, when you have let me talk about how I feel alone, that you have told me I am loved - and made me believe it. I thank you for raising me to love others and to be a competent (at least mostly), honest, and positive person. I feel so honored to carry your humor, your expressions, and your loving heart to those around me. I hope that one day I can be as strong and devoted a wife and mother as you are.

I love you, Mom. Happy Birthday. I am so happy you were treated like a queen today.


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