Day 06 – My day, in great detail

I'm warning you... It's been a long one. :)

It all began around 10 AM when I awoke to sun streaming in my window. I laid in bed thinking about whether or not I should really get up or not and wondering how much work I could reasonably get done. After crawling out of bed and lugging a load of laundry to the washer, I took a shower and got dressed. I decided to do some reading for Christian theology while my clothes were washing and I was able to get everything done before Morgan received a text asking us to go shopping for physics dinner food.

I was stressed. I have a one track mind, and I have realized this year that when my plans get changed last minute that I tend to freak out a little. I had planned on getting most of my work done today, so that I wouldn't have much to do tomorrow, but with shopping and a last minute lab, I wasn't going to have time. So I went shopping, and it was fun.

Returning to Gordon, we saw fire trucks and police and heard fire alarms going off in KOSC and Chase Hall. We ran over to talk to Nathan, Sally, Ruben and Derek, and found out that there was a natural gas leak on the quad! We could not go into Chase, where we live, or into KOSC, where we basically live. My homework was trapped in my room. I couldn't get anything done!

Luckily, the sophomores were BRILLIANT and had the idea to go to Sally and Ruben's dorm and watch the Mechanics lecture on the TV in the lounge. After that we headed to dinner, then decided that we had nothing better to do than go get ice cream! So we did! As soon as we left campus we found out that Chase was open again, but by that time we decided it was necessary to get ice cream.

After the ice cream we came back to campus and did our mechanics homework in the lounge in Chase. Too bad I didn't get anything else done...

It's going to be a long day tomorrow... Church, then Probability homework, Theology paper, grade for the two classes I TA, thermal homework, and finish a lab. Great. But today was wonderful. :)


Victoria said…
omigosh! a gas leak? that doesn't sound dangerous or anything.. but this sounds just like you, lissa, lol.

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